
General Information

Biology is the teaching of animate nature. It deals with the organization and development of living beings, as well as their relationship to their environment and other living beings.


The Biology course of study is locally restricted, in the past with a numerus clausus of about 2.4.


Biology is a Bachelor's programme. The standard period of study is 6 semesters. In the first four semesters, students learn the basics of botany, zoology, anthropology and microbiology. From the fifth semester onwards, students choose three of the following main subjects: Biochemistry, botany, genetics, landscape ecology, microbiology, ecology, physiology, zoology.
Afterwards you can deepen your knowledge in one of the following Master's programmes:
Molecular Biology and Physiology Biodiversity and Ecology Landscape Ecology and Nature Conservation Human Biology

Career Prospects

Biologists find work in many areas of research and teaching. Virtually every specialisation has its own research institutions. For example, biologists are active in behavioural research, the pharmaceutical industry, environmental protection or the agricultural industry.

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